
Remote Accessories FAQs

Remote Accessories FAQs | Duct Smoke Detection Systems | APC

A Halma Company.

Have questions or concerns about remote accessories (APC remotes, MSR remotes, MS remotes)? Visit APC’s Remote Accessories FAQs to learn more.

How loud do APC remotes get?

MSR series remotes are listed for private notification

How bright do remotes get?

MSR series remotes are listed for private notification

What products are compatible with APC remotes?

Air Product and Controls duct smoke detectors are not compatible with System Sensor detector and remotes

What size are the MSR accessories?

The MSR-50 remotes fit in a single gang backbox, and dual gang where the AV module is used. The MSR-100 fits in a dual gang backbox.

What color are MSR remotes?

MSR series remotes are available in silver brushed stainless steel and red painted finishes

How to test MSR remotes?

MSR Series remotes are available in both a key switch and magnet self test/reset, we also offer a push button version

What applications can remotes be installed in?

Remotes are typically installed on the ground level to notify occupants of an alarm, and allow for manual test of the detector

Can I use the MSR series with any APC duct detector?

MSR Series remote annunciators are only compatible with conventional duct smoke detectors

How many remotes can be attached to a single duct detector?

Only one MSR remote can be attached to a single duct smoke detector

Are remote accessories required?

In most applications where the detector is part of a fire alarm control system a remote annunciator is required, please refer to your AHJ or fire marshal for additional requirement information

What approvals do MSR remotes meet?

MS Series remotes are listed to UL268 and ULC529

What type of key does the MSR use?

The MSR series remotes use a APEM A126 key

How do I wire the MS series of remotes?

For MS series remotes, only wire for the features on your remote. For instance a remote with a key and red LED would only wire for those features. The following are the wiring contacts: Red alarm LED- black wire to 19, red wire to 11 Buzzer- black wire to 19, red wire to 11 Green pilot LED- black wire to 19, red wire to 2 Key or pushbutton test and reset- 1 black wire to 1 and the other black wire to 20 Yellow trouble LED- black wire to 19, red wire to 4, and a jumper between 20 and 15

What size are MS remotes?

The MS series of remotes fit into a single gang backbox some larger models require a dual gang backbox

What color are MS remotes?

MS series remotes are only available in silver brushed stainless steel finish

What variations do the MS remotes come in?

The MS series remote is only available in a keyswitch and push button model

What duct detectors are compatible with MS remotes?

MS Series remote annunciators are compatible with all conventional duct smoke detectors, and only alarm LED remotes are compatible with addressable detectors

What approvals do MS remotes meet?

MS Series remotes are listed to UL268 and ULC529

Why is the green LED on?

The green pilot LED indicates the detector is good working condition

Why are there no lights on my MS series remote?

The LEDs on the MS series of remotes are polarity sensitive, it is recommended to check the black wires are connected to negative terminal of the duct detector

The remote shows troubles and I do not know what is wrong with it?

Trouble indicates there is an issue with the detector and it is not working correctly. Troubleshoot the power connections, the sensor, and the cover placement/ cover switch.