
How to test a duct smoke detector & confirm correct installation and operation

APC Duct Smoke Detection Systems | Life & Fire Protection
APC Duct Smoke Detection Systems | Life & Fire Protection

Correct airflow can be confirmed with the use of a magnehelic differential pressure gauge between the sampling and exhaust tubes of the detector, a reading between 0.01 and 1.2 inches of water verifies enough airflow.

The detector head can be tested for correct operation by spraying TG-2000 test gas into the test port of the detector, an alarm would be expected. Continued testing also includes using the included test magnet on the top of the duct smoke detector housing between the 2 marked lines indicated on lid, again an alarm would be expected to confirm correct operation.

The detector control board and relays can be tested for correct operation by pressing the black test/reset button in the transparent lid hole, an alarm condition would verify correct operation (red LED on board).

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